Build a strong, capable, aesthetic physique, and have fun doing it!

woman exercising on pavement

“Listen up. The time to change your physique is now.”

To all the people out there who are ready to work hard. To everyone who let the extra pounds creep up on them. The warriors stuck in the office. The parents who see the need to get healthier. The professionals who want to keep their edge. This is a PSA to you. The time to take back your body is now, before it’s too late. .

plus size woman measuring hips in gym
Photo by Andres Ayrton on

Whatever the goal you’ve got, there’s a way to achieve it. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, you aren’t alone. Someone has been there, and they figured it out. So you can too. I know you can! But it’s going to take HARD WORK.

“You’re up to the task!”

You’re going to have to work hard! There’s no easy way to create the body you want. You’re going to have to beat your body down, fuel it properly, let it heal, then do it all over again, until you reach your goals. You’re going to have to adjust your lifestyle to support your fitness goals. That might mean more sleep, it might mean consuming more or less of certain things. And it definitely means managing your time so you can workout consistently.

“Thus, the initial struggles give way to lasting success”

Now, the good news. Once you learn what workouts are most effective for your goals, and how to execute them, exercise will be fun. Once you see your weight and body mass reflect your hard work, You’ll want to push harder. As you get stronger, you’ll want to lift more, do more, and be even greater. And once you realize how POWERFUL you feel as you progress, you’ll find encouragement to KEEP GOING.

Fun exercise? Really? EXPLAIN YOURSELF

When I say fun, I mean engaging, dynamic, effective. I mean you feel PUMPED. I mean whatever stress you’ve got in your life, is miles away, because you gave that workout EVERYTHING YOU HAD. And you feel better for it. You sleep like a baby. And a day later, you KNOW it was effective, because your muscles are sore. Sure, there might be laughter, a joke or two, but you respect the session. I mean you go into flow state because the exercises are easy enough where you can do them from day one, but hard enough that you have to focus with all your attention. (that’s good customization, but we’ll get to that later.)

If it sounds fun, that’s because it IS!

man in gray tank top holding onto gymnastic rings
Photo by cottonbro studio on

How do I know it’s going to work? How do I know I will reach my goals?

Because I’ve got two fitness certs, Issa and NASM. I’ve trained dozens of clients in box gyms. I’ve studied fitness for 15 years. And aside from that, it all comes down to doing what works. Train with me consistently, eat the way I tell you, rest and repeat. Where I come in is as your fitness coach.

Fitness Coach? Why do I need that?

What I do as your fitness coach can be broken down like this

And while you can do some of these on your own, doesn’t it make sense that you deserve an expert who has led others to success, ensuring you get there too?

“What do your other clients think of your coaching expertise?”

Dynamic, challenging workouts!

I was never interested in my own personal fitness until I was assigned to Zeb who always listens to my concerns and makes workouts that not only give me results but still let me feel comfortable in my body. He is always cheering me on when I want to give up and has shown me time and time again that I am much stronger than how I see myself. 

~ Cindy N.

Excellent Training Program!

Trainer Zebulun is awesome! He takes the time to make each workout challenging but feasible. There is constant communication about the process, and he always listens and adapts workouts if needed. I can count on him to look out for my safety and progression.

~ Mayra C.

Fun and effective. Highly Recommend!

It’s been about a year since I started training with Zeb, and the changes I’ve seen have been incredible.

Zeb has a huge knowledge base of all the muscles and how they work together, and helps me understand how to best target the correct areas and achieves my fitness goals. He’s creative in coming up with new exercises and teaching me how to use machines I’ve always been intimidated by.

And perhaps most importantly, we have fun!!! I look forward to going to the gym, because we laugh and I can even have a good time while working out. Zeb creates a positive space where I can feel safe and confident.

~ Rachel D.

a group of people in the fitness center
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

OK, this sounds phenomenal. But how much does it cost?

Oh, that’s the other good news.

If you’ve ever hired a personal trainer, at a gym or privately, you know how much that costs. Equinox gym charges upwards of $250 a SESSION. At three sessions a week, that’s $3,000 a month, or $36,000 A YEAR.

I live in Orange County, California. Trainers out here charge about $90 a session on THE LOW END, or about $1080 a month. That’s $12,960 a year. Better, but still a pretty huge investment in today’s economy for lots of people.

What if I told you that you can sign up with my program for a FRACTION of that price? That’s right, you get the expertise of a trainer with TWO personal training certs, as well as over 15 years of neuromuscular therapy knowledge, customizing an EFFECTIVE, APPROACHABLE, and COMPREHENSIVE fitness program, giving you flexible, sustainable meal plans, checking in with you regularly to keep you accountable, AND it’s for a fraction of the price of the average personal trainer?

Does that sound like an investment into your health, fitness, and quality of life that you can get on board with?


It’s just as easy as clicking the link to sign up for you FREE CONSULTATION. If you’re in the Orange county area, our consult will be in person. If you’re further away, we will book a call to assess everything as mentioned above.

My clients typically see results in the first month, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND showing your commitment to reaching your long-term goals by going hard in the paint and commiting to three months.